My Recent Projects

I put your ideas and thus your wishes in the form of a unique web project that inspires you and your customers

Quiz Arena

Quiz app used by students to test them selves, has options and you can track the answers. Built it using Html , Sass, JavaScript


Savewise is a Front End app which is about saving Money and i built using vite , Html, Sass & JavaScript

Think Digital

Think Digital is also one of My app with different pages which i built using Vite , Html , Tailwind &, JavaScript

ZaKie Photography

Its one of my first Apps i buit when i had just started Fullstack and i built it using JSX ,React, TailwindCss context


Boogie is a template which biuld using Next.js Typescript Tailwind with NextAuth for Authentication

SBJ Builders Inc

SBJ Builders Inc is a construction work website which portrays SBJ Company and i built it using Next.js Typescript Tailwind

Link Keeper

Link Keeper is Fullstack app built in Next.js Typescript with Clerk for managing Authentication its used to store links

Coffee App

The Coffee App is one of my first clone apps i built when i had just started learning codding and i built it using Html,Css

Bible Verse App

The Bible Verse generator is a frontend app which generates random bible verses built in Html. Css and JavaScript

Clock Project

The Clock project is a frontend app which shows time, Built using javascipt dates with Html Css and Vercel for deployment

CSI Junior School

CSI Junior is a school Website which i built in nextjs Tailwind for styling where i also managed to add in the google maps

Ande Template

Ande Template is one of my templates i managed to build in Next.js Typescript Tailwind check it


Forky is a food app built were you can search food recipes built using Next.js TailwindCss and Vercel to deploy